Thursday, November 5, 2009

Group 4’s first day (03.11.2009, Tuesday)

As this is our first trip to Sarawak without our parents for most of us, the only feeling that we had was excitement. We felt that we are free like a bird being released from its cage. We had friends and teachers not to forget, tour guides too to accompany us throughout this learning journey. We reached Sarawak around 1010hrs and settled down at the Cultural Village around after noon. By the time, we had lunch at the Cultural Village. Lunch was delicious and tasty! The dishes served were different from what we had in Singapore.

We had a one night stay at the Cultural Village in the Iban Longhouse. With the extra informations from Aunty Lin, our tour guide, we now know that there is over 33 languages and more than 28 races in Sarawak. We visited 7 different longhouses. They are, The Bidayuh longhouse, Iban longhouse, Penan hut, Orang Ulu longhouse,Melanau tallhouse,Malay town house and lastly,the Chinese Farm house. Other than that, we watched how a lady around her late 40s did a traditional cracker called the ‘Love Letter’. We also watched a dance performance performed by the villagers. The moves were totally awesome! In addition, we’ve learned that once, the Orang Iban practiced head hunting. Trying out the warrior’s blowpipe was one of the try-out activities.

After the tiring and sweaty day, we had a short rest, followed by dinner.Then; we had a dance session with two senior dancers. We’re taught the Bidayuh dance. The boys and the girls had different steps. After a few rounds of practicing which just gets better after each round, we (both boys and girls) danced gracefully while the teachers took snap shots and videos. We end the day with lights snacks and hot drink for our supper.

Huda, Syahidah, Irfan, Nabil, Taufiq& Hayati.
Good night and sweet dreams. <*^_^*>

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